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Engaging Gen Z in Midterm Elections: Insights from a National Chatbot Poll by CommonAlly



Leading up to 2022 midterm elections, CommonAlly conducted a national chatbot poll to unlock the potential of Gen Z voters. This demographic is passionate about social issues yet unsure where to begin their political engagement. This represented a strategic opportunity for both political activism and candidate outreach.

  • The poll gathered nearly 2,000 responses
  • Key locations of respondents focused on key swing states.
  • Gives comprehensive snapshot of Gen Z's civic engagement, motivations, and issues driving them to the polls.


CommonAlly gauged young Americans' political involvement with ChatBot engagement. The goal was to understand Gen Z's voting habits, motivations, and their current level of civic engagement.



Respondents opted-in for follow-up.


Gen Z respondents.


The survey successfully connected with 1,924 respondents.

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This is some content that will go into this box.

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Survey Distribution

ChatBot survey sent to a national audience with a focus on Gen Z.

Responses Collected

Nearly 2,000 with a particular emphasis on swing state elections.

Demographic Focus

66% were Gen Z, offering insights into the political behaviors and concerns of this new generation of voters.

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This is some content that will go into this box.

This is some content that will go into this box.

This is some content that will go into this box.

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Environment & Gun Rights - Top Issues for Gen Z

The survey provided insight into the critical issues of Gen Z voters, indicating a generation concerned about societal welfare and safety.

Direct 1v1 Follow-Up Opportunities

41% of respondents expressed a willingness to be contacted by candidates, revealing an openness to 1-on-1 direct political communication and engagement.

Improving Voter Turnout Among GenZ

A significant portion of Gen Z did not vote in past elections. Their reasons for not participating included a lack of interest and disbelief in the voting system's efficacy. During the survey, many indicated a strong intent to participate in the 2022 midterms.

Influences on Political Beliefs

Family, peers, and social media platforms were cited as the most influential on Gen Z's political opinions, highlighting the importance of personal connections and digital platforms in shaping their political views.

GenZ's as a Political Force

GenZ's distinct priorities, such as environmental concerns and gun safety, and their readiness to engage in political discourse suggest that future campaigns must adapt to the changing landscape of voter engagement.

Furthermore, the data reveals the importance of direct communication and the influential role of social media in mobilizing this demographic.


Implications for Future Elections:

The findings from CommonAlly's chatbot poll underscore the untapped potential of Gen Z as a political force. Their distinct priorities, such as environmental concerns and gun safety, along with their readiness to engage in political discourse, suggest that future campaigns must adapt to the changing landscape of voter engagement. Furthermore, the data reveals the importance of direct communication and the influential role of social media in mobilizing this demographic.


The case study on engaging Gen Z in the 2022 Midterm Elections via CommonAlly's chatbot poll has some limitations as it assumes respondents are comfortable with and have access to digital communication tools, potentially excluding less tech-savvy or economically disadvantaged segments within Gen Z. The focus on swing states, while strategic, might not accurately reflect the broader national sentiment of Gen Z voters, limiting the generalizability of the findings.


CommonAlly's national ChatBot survey offered valuable insights into:

  • Gen Z's political engagement
  • Issue priorities
  • And, factors influencing political beliefs.

This case study is a roadmap for political candidates, parties, and advocacy groups hoping to connect with and mobilize this emerging voter bloc.


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